Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lauren Johnson and Rebecca Brown

Laura Johnson is one among others who have yet to be diagnosed for whatever it is causing them to continuously sneeze. This must have a pretty big impact on her life. Almost like my first story of the man who couldn't stop hiccupping, Laura must get annoyed by the sneezing, although she says she's used to it. It also most likely has an effect on her social life. Peers may look at her differently and think she's sick and whatnot. Also, kids that may be clean freaks, or just always have antibacterial with them.. you know the kind of people I'm talking about.. well, they may not like the person because he/she is always sneezing. In otherwords, these people would have pretty hard social lives, however, I'm sure they make the best out of their lives, and I am proud of them for their strength to overcome their conditions and make the best out of it all.

Now, I don't expect you to watch the entire video, but I'm sure I'd help you understand trichotillomanio patients. Rebecca Brown is a strong girl. She is constantly trying to overcome her disorder. Many people who suffer from this disease can't find a cure. Not only do people just pick out their hair from their head, but some pull out hair from their eyebrows, or even eyelashes. I wish there was some way I could help them. Many people also end up getting wigs to try and hide from themselves and how bad they feel. After watching a few videos about other people who suffer from this disease, I found one where a lady was overcoming trich, and she was almost back to normal. What she did was shave her head. She believed if for whatever the reason the body had to pull hair out to get what it wanted, if there was no hair to pull out.. then the body would find a new way to get what it wanted. Some people try and undergo hypnosis even. This disorder is classified as a obsessive cumpulsive disorder. I hope that people who come in contact with a person suffering from trich, don't look down upon them, I hope they will support them and give them hope.

Thats all for now,
Until next time,
Skylar. : )

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